Last day of school!


Tuesday 13th May

And here comes the post that I’ve dreaded writing the most: my last day of school, which was last Thursday. It was by far my most emotional and saddest day at the Centre and I hated saying goodbye to everyone.

Group photo with all the mums and babies in
Here in Peru, they always have very big goodbyes that they call ‘despedidos’. I personally am not a big fan of goodbyes since they always make me so sad, so this whole ‘ceremony’ was really sweet but made me even sadder. What they do at the centre when someone leaves is that all the kids come up and tell you something and say thank you, and then all the teachers come and do the same. I also said a few words after to thank everyone. Everyone was so sweet and said such kind words that I couldn’t help but crying a little (too much). The teachers also gave me a certificate, a card and some gifts that I will treasure forever.

Overall, it was a sad but lovely that I will remember forever.  Like I said on the day, I don’t have a boyfriend so lots of space for all these people in my heart, and I will try not to be sad that I’m leaving but to be happy to have made all these memories I can take back home with me. And in the wise words of Winnie-the-Pooh, how lucky am I to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard :’)

Profe. Hilda (who made me a lovely card that all the
teachers signed) 
Brenda saying some kind words
Gian-Marco <3
Javier giving me the sweetest speech :)
Lourdes (who actually turned 20 that day!)
Kati saying her lovely speech
Already miss these hugs
Next post about my last weekend in Lima!