Las Salineras


Monday 12th May

Let me admit that I am leaving Peru tomorrow and when I look over my ‘Peru Bucket List’ there are still things that I want to do and places that I wanted to visit. More reasons to come back?

Nevertheless, even if I had a very last week of school, I refused to leave Peru without going to the famous Salineras in Maras, which salt evaporation ponds, in use since the Inca times. On Monday after school, Marina, Miguel and I decided to go see them, and I am so glad we did it because it was so worth it!

Arriving at Las Salineras
Group photo :) 
I would have never imagined how salt flats could look so beautiful. They reminded me of a Cubist painting that an artist obsessed with the colour white would have painted. The surrounding nature made the colour stand out even and the whole setting looked very surreal. We wandered around the flats for a while and were blown away by how many there were. I was told that each family owns a pond and collects their own salt but then they all share the profits evenly between all the families. I wish I knew more about the process of how the salt is collected but the sight alone is so beautiful. This place was completely different from anything else I had seen in Peru and well worth a last minute visit. Definitely one of my favourite places in Peru.

We made our mark in the salt
Cubist painting
The ponds from above
Salt flats and Sacred Valley in
the background
Locals working in the flats
We also took a few photos while waiting for the bus back home. Last adventures we did the three of us together :’) Next post about my last day of school!

Group photo :)

The bus was taking a while...