Fun time at school and at the Hogar


Sunday 11th May

Unfortunately I am not writing this post from my bed in Urubamba at the Volunteer House but from my bed at a hostel in Lima. I had my last day of school last Thursday and left Friday afternoon from Cusco to stay a few days in Lima before heading back home. My Peruvian Gap Year Adventures are almost coming to an end :( But still lots of stuff to share!

So my last 2 weeks at school were extremely busy and extremely fun at the same time. I feel like I got to do so many different things and work with lots of different kids. There were a few celebrations as it was Profe Luisa’s (the cook) birthday, so we had cake and I made her a card that everyone signed. We also celebrated mother’s day at school (which is actually today) with all the teachers. All the male teachers made delicious lunch and we all had it together last Wednesday. In Peru mother’s day seems to be taken very seriously and it’s really nice to see how I brings so many families together.

Celebrating Luisa's birthday
Mother's day lunch at school
As always, I worked almost every day in physiotherapy, with Profe Lucio. I’ve gotten to really love helping there and got to know lots so many kids who come in from both school and outside of school. There are lots of babies who come in with their mums and I worked with them everyday. It’s nice to see some kids from outside of school as well and the babies are so cute. In addition, I continued doing speech therapy with Benjamin, Gian-Marco and Bridgitte, which is always a lot of fun.

Gian-Marco and I
Bridgitte <3
Working hard or hardly working with Benjamin
Working hard or hardly working with Benjamin 2.0
Profe Lucio and I working with lots of
cute babies
One fun activity that Marina organized last week as aerobics! Maggie, a long-term volunteer that I met in February usually does an aerobics routine with the kids a few times a week when she is here. However, she is back in England now, so Marina learnt the routine and led the workshop twice. The kids really love I and I think it’s such a good thing to do as it makes them start the day in a fun and healthy way.
Aerobics time!
Marina (and Yadir and Gian Marco) leading aerobics
Kati being cute
Additionally, Marina and I went to the Hogar for the last time to spend some time with the kids there. We also finished up a sign that will go outside their gate, which they had started when CIS came here. The painting was quite hectic, as everyone wanted to paint at the same time but was very fun. They had lots of fun and I think the sign will look very sweet when people drive by and see it. We also took some group photos as it was our last time there, but as you can see we just look like a crazy happy dysfunctional family. We tried… There is also a new addition to the Hogar as Patty has moved in with the other kids. She is Yessica’s half sister and as their mum cannot take care of them she now lives there too. She is the sweetest little girl and seems to be settling just fine :)

Patty and Mati working hard
Finished sign!
Juancito being very photogenic
Patty and I :)
Trial 1
Trial 2
Lastly, relating to painting again, Marina and I finally finished the animal mural at school! I painted the monkey, toucan, and puma and then did some butterflies with a few kids. I am so happy we finished it on time and I think it really brightens up the school wall you see when walking in.

Tomas and I painting
Finished mural!
This is all for now, but next post very soon about my visit to Las Salineras, the amazing salt flats in Moray! And a few more of my favourite photos from the past two weeks that make me smile :)

Lourdes and I :)
One of my favorite photos of
Benjamin ever
Leonel being adorable
Benjamin put a flower in my hair :3
Group photo <3
Favorite kid/photo/kiss in the world