Colca Canyon


Friday 9th May

So little time in Peru left, but still so much to share! I will start with my weekend day hike through the Colca Canyon, that I did after visiting Arequipa.

Colca Canyon is the second deepest canyon in the world (it was recently discovered there is a slightly deeper one right next to it). It is also know for being the home of many condors. I decided to do a 2-day hike down inside it, where I stayed one night in an oasis and then walking back up.

The hike started extremely early on Saturday morning as I left my hostel at 3:00am and got picked up by bus. We picked up different people through Arequipa and then made our way towards the canyon, which took more or less 3 hours.

Sunrise on the bus
After stopping to have some breakfast, we arrived by bus to the ‘Cruz del Condor’ in the morning. This is one of the famous viewpoints in the canyon and where usually people see condors. Our tour guide said that they come out much at this time of the year so not have too high hopes about seeing them. Surprisingly we saw about 7 condors, which was great! They are gracious birds I think, as they fly in a very particular way. Unfortunately, they were quite far from us so I couldn’t get great photos, but the view was beautiful.

Cruz del Condor
View from Cruz del Condor
Pretty condors
After driving a little longer, we got off the bus and started our 1day hike down to the bottom of the canyon. In total, we walked for about 7 hours on Saturday to reach the oasis where we stayed for one night. There were 8 of us: a Canadian couple, 2 French friends, a man from Czech Republic, our Peruvian tour guide, one of his friends and me. It was a really nice group of people and most of us spoke French, which was really nice since I have only spoken Spanish and English in the past 3 months. Overall, the hike down was fine as it was downhill, but it was very hot (about 32C) so we had to take breaks and drink lots of water. At the top of the canyon, the vegetation was extremely dry and the vegetation was very specific to this climate. I had never seen so many cactuses before, and they were so huge as well. The views were so different from anything I had seen before, it kind of felt like I was in a movie. I also realized how incredibly deep the canyon was. My favourite part of the hike down was the change in vegetation. The top was so different from the bottom that was so much greener and richer. We stopped for lunch in a little village and had some alpaca meat, which I actually really like. We then walked 3 more hours to reach our destination.

Canyon from the top
Walking down the canyon
Look at the size of that cactus!
Arriving at the bottom
Crossing the bridge
Happy times :)
River at the bottom of the canyon
We arrived at the oasis where we stayed around 5pm. I couldn’t believe how green and beautiful it was. There was a stream, so many trees and gigantic palm trees. We stayed on a little camping site that had simple rooms and a very nice swimming pool. Unfortunately, we didn’t have much time to enjoy it, as we were pretty exhausted when we arrived and wanted to get lots of rest before our next day hiking.

Arriving at the oasis
Where we stayed

We had another early start on Sunday and began our hike up the canyon at 5am, so it was still dark out. It took a total of 4 hours to make it to the top, but all of it was uphill so it made it a lot more tiring. We crossed some mules on the way that carry up some tired tourists, we our group made it! We were extremely happy when we made it to the top. The view was extremely rewarding as well. We then walked to a small village and had what tasted like the best breakfast I ever had, since I was so hungry.
Almost sunrise
Beautiful canyon
Running into some mules
Finally made it to the top!
Group photo at the top
We got picked up by bus and started making our way back to Arequipa while stopping at a few viewpoints and a village on the way that had a beautiful church.

View of the canyon
Peruvian man and his llamas
Chivay church
Traditional women's clothing
Soma llamas on the side of the road

On our way back to Arequipa

I made it back to Arequipa right on time to catch my night bus back to Cusco to be ready for school on Monday morning and start my last week :( All in all, it was a long weekend and I am extremely happy that I visited Arequipa and hiked down Colca Canyon. I am just getting ready to leave Urubamba right now as I have my flight back to Lima in a few hours, but a few more posts to come! Next one about lots of school stuff :)