Cusco Visit


Tuesday 25th Feb

Marina and I wanted to go to Cusco today, but unfortunately she felt sick this morning so stayed home. I went anyways and wandered around for the day. I took a Combi (shared van) that took about an hour and a half. Although Combis get quite crowded (Peruvians seem to always come up with extra seats in public transport) and the occasional old man falls asleep on your shoulder, the drive is still pleasant as the scenery is gorgeous.

When I got there, I made my way into the city centre, to Plaza de Armas, the main plaza in Cusco. I instantly felt like it was an actual city, and not a small town like Urubamba. There were also a lot of tourists around, which are rare in the area where I am. I wandered around the streets, and one of the first things I noticed was the coherence in the houses’ and buildings’ style. They all (or most) seem to built in the same coloured stone, which I found very appealing. I bumped into the Coca museum as well, that I visited for free and it was quite interesting. I didn’t know much about the history of cocoa leaves here and all its different uses. The lady that worked at the entrance told me that Peruvians find it really important for foreigners to understand the history and uses of coca, as many people do misinterpret it.

Plaza de Armas
Back of a church
 After Skyping my family through lunch, I visited the main cathedral on Plaza de Armas. I really liked the outside of the cathedral, especially the colour of the stone, that I noticed was used in most of the city’s buildings. The inside, was extremely decorated. There were paintings everywhere and it was all quite overwhelming. Something that I noticed was the variety in materials used: wood, gold, stone and silver. The decorations were a bit too over the top for my liking, but it was well worth seeing.

La Catedral
Detail of La Catedral
I ended the day by having a look around the Cusco University for Social Science that I randomly bumped into. It had a very tranquil courtyard in the middle of it surrounded by columns. I was completely alone and it was very nice to have peaceful moment after walking around the whole day.

Sitting in the university courtyard

University courtyard
Overall, I did enjoy my visit to Cusco and I am glad I went as I got a good first impression of what it looks like. Nevertheless, there are still a lot more sights that I want visit, so I am sure I will go back soon. I slowly made my way back home; taking a Combi again, and this time I was the one to fall asleep on a lady’s shoulder. I hope this means I am settling in well… This week at school is full of activities with the Rainbow House kids (making Banoffee pie, learning English, face painting, etc.) and mural painting at school. Everything must be ready before the school year starts again!