Rainbow House Activities


Sunday 2nd March

This week has been very a busy week filled with activities at the Rainbow house and lots of mural painting at school.

We started off the week making Banoffee pie with the kids, which they really loved. It was really fun to bake all together as they were so excited to see the final product. We also taught them the names of ingredients in English, as they are always very eager to improve their English. The pies also ended up tasting delicious!

Rewena, the kids and I with the Banoffee Pies
The next activity we did with them was face painting. I love face painting, as I have done it at a couple of birthday parties and school events in the past. They started being quite shy and didn’t really want their face painted, which I thought was surprising. But in the end, they all went crazy for it and decided to paint my face as well. I think they might have almost had more fun doing that than getting their own faces painted. This eventful afternoon resulted in a lot of bright painted faces that took quite some time to wash off.
Matilde and Yessica face painting me as a 'bunny' 
Matilde and Yessica as angels and Marina as a tiger
Group photo
As we did these activities in the afternoon, in the mornings I went to school and started working on the first mural. There are a few walls that Jessica, the director, would like me to paint so I started this week. Firstly, Marina and I painted one of the walls in the physiotherapy rooms that Lucio (the school’s physiotherapist) asked us to do. Since this one was inside, we used acrylic paint, which I am very used to so it wasn’t very difficult to do. However, the rest of the walls are all outdoors. Therefore, I have to use special paint that is very thick and quite hard to work with. I started to work on the kitchen wall. There weren’t any very specific requirements, except that it had to be ‘kitchen themed’. Thus, I drew out my idea that consisted of kitchen utensils, fruits and vegetables spelling the word Cocina (meaning kitchen in Spanish). The teachers seemed to really like the idea so I went for it and after a lot of hours of painting under the sun and rain I completed it! I am happy with the result, as I think it really brightens up the wall and I hope will make the kids smile when they see it.

Physiotherapy room Mural
Cocina Mural Sketch
Cocina Mural
Finally, to add to this very productive week, on Thursday, it was Rewena’s birthday. Marina and I could not miss out on this opportunity to secretly decorate the kitchen and living room at the Volunteer house with streamers and balloons (that we still refuse to take down). We also went out for dinner on Thursday for dinner with other volunteers and friends, and made her vanilla cake covered with strawberries, that despite all the struggle, tasted very good.

The Volunteer House fully decorated
Our beautiful and delicious cake
All in all, a productive week that I really enjoyed since it was filled with different activities and things to do. This week will probably be similar as I am ready to start a new mural tomorrow and we are celebrating Matilde’s birthday who is turning 9 years old. Last week before the school starts again!

Last night's sunset from my window