Walking up to the cross


Monday 24th Feb

Last weekend started off with no plans but ended up being rather productive. I didn’t do much on Saturday morning, as there was a very loud thunderstorm (followed by the usual power cut that lasted a few hours) the previous night so I slept very badly. Nevertheless, in the afternoon I decided to go for a walk in the higher part of Urubamba. It wasn’t a very exciting walk until I saw the mountain with the cross in front me. This is a small mountain that Rewena pointed out to me a few times as it has a path that leads all the way up to a big wooden cross where you get a view of Urubamba and all the valley. Quite spontaneously, I decided to walk up.
The mountain with the cross
 This hike is suppose to take about 2 hours, but it took me 3 hours as I got a bit lost at the beginning since everything looks the same. I asked a few people the way and they all seemed to tell me different ways to go, which made it even more confusing. After some time though, I finally found the path and from then it was quite straightforward.

I made a friend on the way 
On my way up
The walk was pleasant, although quite tiring because it is quite steep. Also, since we are still in the rainy season, there are also lots of plants growing on the path, which made it a bit challenging at times. But I made it up! Yay!

Made it!
I must say that as soon as I arrived to the top I realized the confusing walk was completely worth it. The view from the top is absolutely stunning and you can see so far out. I was up there around 5 in the afternoon, so the light before sunset was so beautiful. I had some fun recognizing Urubamba’s plazas, the Volunteer House, the market, the stadium, etc. I think the mountains surrounding the valley make the view even more breath taking (the photos don’t do it justice).

La cruz (the cross)
The valley
I stayed up there for a bit and then walked back down, as I didn’t want to make my way back in the dark. I must go back up some time with a sketchbook and draw the view. I then came back home and continued working on a 1,000 pieces puzzle with Marina that has currently been taking up the whole kitchen table (the only table we have in the house…). I will try to post about my Sunday visit to Cusco tomorrow!

PS: Thank you Abi for the virtual kisses, wish you were here lovely.