Last Post


Thursday 22nd May

I have now been home for a week exactly today, and time flies when you're having fun! It's been lovely to sleep in my own bed again, see my family and friends and just settle back to the 'real world'.

Best airport pickup
I don't have anymore content or photos from Peru to share with you, but I just wanted to write a last concluding post on my experience with Kiya Survivors. I'm not very good at organising thoughts, so I just thought I would write a list of random points and thoughts that I've reflected on recently:

- Being back at home feels very strange, it's like Peru was all a dream and I am back to my reality now. It's all very strange...

- I think about my experience with Kiya Survivors every single day at the Rainbow Centre. I share anecdotes with everyone around me and memories pop into my mind all the time. I am sure this will keep happening for a long time, if not forever.

- I don't think there is anything more beautiful than making a child smile. The happiness it brought me was unexplainable.

- I loved Peruvian food but cannot eat anymore rice or potato chips for a while.

- One highlight from my trip (and from my whole gap year actually) was the diversity of people that I met. I got to meet and spend time with people that I would didn't have much in common with at all, but made some amazing memories.

- I never thought I would get this attached to everyone at the centre, not only the kids but the teachers too, and I miss them all so much.

- I can now speak properly my favourite language, Spanish!

- I've missed my mum's food so much.

- This experience has made me want to travel the world even more and do more volunteer work. It's like the more places you see and things you do, the more you crave it. My bucket list keeps on getting longer...

- I'm not sure if this experience has really changed or made it into a different person. Some people say I am mother nature now or particularly 'zen'. I just I have a lot more people I care about now and a lot more stories to tell.

- I had never had so much contact with disabled kids (if any), but I have learnt so much about them through first hand experiences. The ones I have met are by far the sweetest and most amazing kids in the world.

- I have always thought Kiya Survivors did an amazing job in Peru, but it wasn't until I was actually there that I realised how incredible their projects are. I found it so inspiring and hope I will keep on supporting their work.

- Although there is nothing I love more than traveling, home is always home and I am so happy I had somewhere to come back to after 3 months.

- I only cried twice during my trip: when I left home and when I left Peru...

- I've always had a theory that I don't have enough time in life to go back to countries I've already visited, as there are just too many places I want to see... But I might have to make an exception for Peru, because I must go back one day.

And lastly, thank you to all of you. I hope you enjoyed reading my posts, sharing the 3 best months of my life with me and following my Peruvian Gap Year Adventures! <3