Fun times at Arco Iris


Thursday 3rd April

This week was full of fun activities for the Rainbow Centre kids. We started Monday with a visit from a percussion called Pario Paula. They originally are a group of women from Lima who tour around Peru. They held a musical workshop for the kids, who loved it. They first performed for us using recycled percussion instruments and then got all the kids involved. They were all playing different songs using balloons filled with beans, plastic containers and recycled drums. I even managed to get Jose Alfredo to hold a balloon and shake it in the beat of the song, which made both of us very happy. To thank them some of the kids did a traditional dance with the help of the teachers playing the flute and drums. Overall, such a nice, energetic and original day for everyone!

Pario Paula performing for us
Everyone playing on the stage
Leonel and Lourdes playing the drums 
Kids shaking balloons and playing the drums
Happy Jose Alfredo
Teachers and kids performing
Another very artsy activity we have started this week was the mural! I pencilled it all in on Monday and now we are getting kids to help us paint it. Marina and I thought it would be a good idea and a fun workshop to get the kids to paint the base using handprints and then we will add in details to the mural. For now, we have just worked on the tree and they seem to enjoy it a lot so far. We work on it every recreo (break time) so it is a slow process but we will get there surely. Since we are using outside paint, we must use gloves as it is very had to wash off, but the handprints still show up nicely. So far so good :)
Working on the handprint tree
Roberth helping us paint

Today, we had another workshop completely different from the one on Monday, as we made pizzas! We had experts come in and teach the kids from Funcional how to make it and then all ate it together. They seem to all enjoy it a lot and got really into the toppings. We had a Hawaiian pizza, all these different kinds of meat pizza and simple cheese pizza among others. The younger kids seemed very happy to enjoy some pizza as well.
Pizza no.1 completed! 
Profe Rossana and Roberth
Benjamin enjoying his pizza slice
Milagros enjoying her pizza slice too
 Apart from all these workshops I helped a lot in physiotherapy this week, as there were a lot of kids. I worked with Benjamin doing speech therapy as he has a lot of trouble speaking and oly makes sounds to communicate. It is a lot of work and takes a lot of patience, but even seeing a tiny bit of progress is so nice.
Speech therapy with Benjamin
 The weather has also been really nice and sunny so lots of playing outside with kids, which is always lots of fun.
Fun times with Marina and Fiorella 
Ruby a.k.a cutest girl in the world
Mati and Benjamin on the swings
Volunteers get a day off tomorrow so I will be visiting some Inca ruins in the area I haven’t seen yet. Slowly but surely completing my Peruvian bucket list :)

Colorful Peruvian family on Plaza de Armas