Busy school week


Monday 31st March

Last week was a very busy week at school as Suzy (the founder of Kiya Survivors) came to visit the centre. It was nice to meet and I truly admire all the work she does for the centres, it’s all very inspiring. She also came with her son Bruno, who helped us lots and her aunt and uncle. As we were so busy doing all these different projects, I didn’t have much time to take photos in school. I did take a few photos of their last day when we had cake all together and sang them a song to say thank you for all their help.
Profe Yessi singing, Sonya and Suzy with cake and our visitors
Additionally, I did document one project that Marina and I worked on. Around the school and in our shop there are a lot of papier-mâché piggy banks that the kids made during summer school. They don’t really have any use in school and it is not something that visitors can buy and bring back home as souvenirs. Therefore, we decided that we could distribute them in different stores, cafes and restaurants around town and use them to collect change. I have seen a lot of charities do this in the UK so I was hoping it would work here in Urubamba as well. We cut holes through the top of the pigs for people to put coins in, added a label at the front of the pigs to explain what they were and I brought to different places. Everyone was happy to have them in their store or restaurant and seemed really enthusiastic about the idea. Yesterday, I went to check the piggy we left in the store where we do our laundry and there are so coins in already. So far so good! Let’s hope they work and we can collect some funds from locals and tourists around Urubamba.

Pink piggy bank with sign
Piggy banks ready to be distributed
Piggy no.1 in jewelry store/laundry place
Piggy no.2 in Sweethearts Cafe
I also planned a new mural Marina and I are going to start tomorrow with the help of the children’s’ handprints. Let’s hope it goes smoothly!

Sketch for the new mural
And after a long but exciting week of work and projects and planning, I definitely deserved an ice cream (although never as good as Italian gelato) :)

My well deserved ice cream