Marco's Birthday and Chinchero


Tuesday 18th March

Last Saturday it was yet another birthday (I have been here for 4 weeks and there have been 4 birthday, meaning lots of cake, popcorn and Inca Kohla). Marco turned 19th so Asha and I went to the Hogar to celebrate with the kids. This time it was a lot of eating, talking and dancing again. It was all very fun and he was very happy with the shirt he got as a present, which was so nice to see! Suzy (the director of Kiya Survivors) is also coming to Peru for 2 weeks so all the children are all very excited about that. I am happy I get to meet her as well after hearing so much about her. Unfortunately it was also Rowena’s last day. It was sad to see her leave but I am so happy I got to meet her and spend a month with her.
Cake, popcorn and Inca Kohla as always
Marco getting very excited
Last photo together
On Sunday, I decided to go to Chinchero, a town between Urubamba. As always, the journey by bus there was really beautiful, and all the fields looked so green and vibrant.

On my way to Chinchero
Once I got there, I first went to the Sunday market. It was quite big and different from others I have seen, as there was such a big variety of things being sold. There were the typical fruits, vegetables and food stalls but also clothes and souvenirs, and stalls serving meals as well. I haven’t seen people eat in markets or on the sides of streets here and it reminded me a bit of Vietnam. Finally, everyone was selling under big wooden structures, which I had never seen before either.

Food and vegetables sections
More fruits and vegetables
Woman selling bread
It's like a Peruvian Joe and the Juice
Typical Peruvian skirts 
After wandering around the market I made my way up the village, towards the church and Inca ruins. I thought it would be filled with tourists since Chinchero is a popular stop in the Sacred Valley, but luckily there were mainly locals. Although I did run into a football match a group of Peruvians were playing right in the middle of the ruins, which I thought was pretty funny. The ruins there were set out like terraces in a way, so you could get higher and higher and the view was really beautiful. Unfortunately, the weather wasn’t great as it was cloudy and rained for a bit. I don’t think I have had a full day here where the weather didn’t change at all. You seem to experience all 4 seasons in 24 hours.

Chinchero ruins
Sitting in the ruins
Spontaneous football game

I was not able to go inside the church because it closed right after the Sunday morning mass. However, there was a group of ladies sitting outside that were very lovely. They asked me where I was from and how I liked Peru, etc. I also met a young girl who asked me to take a photo of her while she was eating an ice-lolly.  At last, after wandering around the village for a little longer I took the bus back home to Urubamba. Next post about my second week of school, working with the kids and trying out being a physiotherapist for my first time!

Peruvian women sitting next to the church

Little girl and her ice lolly 
Waiting for the bus